Case Study“Barry” was in his mid-forties and temporarily living with his parents. Mobility was limited due to diabetic neuropathy in both feet and he was unemployed. The arrangement became fractious and untenable so, following a referral into Solo Housing from the housing team at South Norfolk Council in March 2017,Barry’s application was processed, and he was invited for an assessment.
The result of which, he was accepted into the Hostel project in April. Barry was supported to apply for health-related benefits and attend medical assessments. Barry’s’ condition dictated that he attends clinic appointments weekly and to provide Barry with regular free transport.
Relations with his parents improved and he settled well. After a while he was moved to lower support single accommodation and was supported to be placed on the South Norfolk housing register, gaining silver status.
Due to the need for disabled facilities, it took over 12 months. in August 2019 he finally moved into social housing.