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Case Study

‘Adam’ suffered from low confidence and due to debilitating physical and mental health, found it difficult to go out. ‘Adam’s’ Solo Housing support worker was proactive in helping him to improve his quality of life and has successfully supported him in increasing his confidence to go out more.

‘Adam’ is now able to go to a coffee shop and do his shopping at busier times of the day. In addition, the support worker has worked with the local disability team at Bury St Edmunds and, as a result, ‘Adam’ was measured for a bespoke wheelchair. Help was also provided to successfully appeal a previous Personal Independence Payment decision which resulted in benefit being backdated, allowing ‘Adam’ to purchase a mobility scooter.

‘Adam’s’ mental health is much improved, he is taking all his medications regularly and now feels he could cope with leaving supported housing. The support worker has helped him to register on Gateway to Home choice and ‘Adam’ is now bidding weekly to obtain more permanent social housing.

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K came into Women’s Accommodation Scheme from temporary accommodation after…
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Helping single people who find themselves with nowhere to live since 1985.