Accommodation Seekers

Your Path to a Better Tomorrow

Are you single and facing homelessness, or in the challenging process of becoming homeless?

Solo is here for you and our mission is to provide you with a place to call home, offering hope and support along the way.

We understand that everyone’s journey is different and we are here to walk beside you. Our aim is not only to provide you with a roof over your head, but also to empower you to build a brighter future.

For us this is more than just housing; it’s about a community that cares.

For Residents

General Needs Accommodation

Low-cost, self-contained single-person housing serving as a crucial steppingstone for people transitioning from Supported Housing.

Lodgings Scheme

This innovative program matches people with spare rooms to those seeking affordable housing.

The benefits are mutual, providing landlords with a tax-free income, while fostering companionship and household support.

Supported Housing

Temporary housing solutions, spanning up to 2 years, focused on equipping individuals with the skills needed to sustain long-term accommodation.

We offer single occupancy, shared living and hostel options, all backed by the unwavering support of Solo colleagues.

In addition, we manage the following projects:

  • Accommodation Access and Assertive Outreach & Lodgings

    Triage assessments and support to people to access accommodation in the Breckland, Broadland and South Norfolk local authority areas.

    This service includes assertive outreach, supporting single people at risk of losing their accommodation, or those who are not ready to engage with wider homelessness prevention support.

  • Off the Street

    A service for rough sleepers in the Breckland local authority area who are supported to resettle into either supported, or more permanent accommodation.

  • Temporary Accommodation Project

    A service in the Breckland local authority area of shared accommodation for single people who require temporary accommodation, before an allocation of more permanent housing is considered.

  • Women’s Accommodation Service

    A service for women in contact with the criminal justice sector on their release from prison, helping them address key support issues before moving into more permanent housing and a life away from crime.

Find out more about Solo Housing


How we make a difference

K came into Women’s Accommodation Scheme from temporary accommodation after…
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