Following a break in 2020 due to the pandemic, the annual Homelessness Recovery six a side football tournament was hosted through partnership working, bringing together Orwell Housing Anglia Care Trust & Solo Housing to organise the event.
We were delighted to see over 70 people at our tournament: bringing together teams representing organizations from the Care & Support and Housing sectors from across Suffolk County.
This year we saw 6 teams competing for the top spot. Game play was highly competitive with Active Suffolk, YMCA, Orwell Christchurch House and Anglia Care Trust playing in the semi-final. The final match was a challenge between to the two top teams of the day: Active Suffolk & YMCA with YMCA as the overall victors.
Other awards included the top goal scorer, player of the tournament and the Andy Banham team spirit trophy.
All players and the wider teams helping on the day received a medal in recognition of their team spirit.
We would like to thank Suffolk Recovery Network, Orwell Housing and those who donated to our Go Fund Me appeal for their financial support for the event. We would also like to thank all the staff members & volunteers who worked hard to ensure the event ran efficiently, including the provision of food and encouragement throughout the day, the referees who ensured gameplay was consistent and controlled & all participating organizations and their team players. The final trophies and awards were presented by Peter Thompson Mayor of Bury St Edmunds